A Grand Welcome

The atmosphere was electric at the Sequoia Conference Center as attendees gathered for the 2023 Annual Lincoln Reagan Dinner. MC Chairwoman Susan Moxon set the tone for the evening, warmly welcoming a diverse crowd of local Republican supporters. The room buzzed with excitement as she introduced Committee Chairs from various California counties and dignitaries from Humboldt County. Local star Sabrina Francis Gasdik led the crowd in a soul-stirring rendition of the Star Spangled Banner. The audience stood in unison as the national anthem reverberated through the venue.

A Message That Resonated

Harmeet Dhillon, the keynote speaker, captivated everyone with her compelling message. She emphasized the crucial role parents play in their children’s lives, urging them to be vigilant about their education. A key point of her message was to urge us all as parents and caregivers to pay attention to what our children are reading, the clubs they join, and the messages they receive. Dhillon also spoke about the unsettling times we live in, warning against governmental overreach and the erosion of individual freedoms. Her words left the room in thoughtful silence, pondering the call to action.

A Feast to Savor

The dinner, catered by Dorris and Daughter, was nothing short of spectacular. Guests enjoyed a wonderful spread featuring tri-tip, pecan chicken, spinach and Caesar salads, garlic smashed potatoes, and freshly baked rolls. The meal concluded on a sweet note with decadent chocolate cake and a vanilla cake roll.

A Night of Surprises

The silent auction was a highlight, featuring an array of exciting items that had everyone buzzing, including: 

  • Victorian Inn-Suite for one night and Dinner – Lowell and Jenny
  • Dick Taylor Chocolate Variety Basket – Minnie Wolf
  • Culinary Basket – Lisa Morehouse
  • Limited Edition Print of Stellers Jay – Kathrin Burleson
  • Garden Treasure – Shafer’s Ace Hardware
  • Sequoia Tree Plague – Bay Tank and Boilerworks
  • Handmade Pillow – by Louise Gabriella-Genova
  • Going “Nuts” Basket – Susan Moxon
  • Trump Hitch Cover – Paradise Cay Publications
  • Angel of Prayers Statue – Visiting Angels
  • Holy Bible – Nina Groth
  • Redwood Forest Metal Wall Hanging – Lee Cunningham
  • 1 Cord of Firewood – HCSO
  • Desert Wine & Dick Taylor Chocolate – Minnie Wolf
  • Portrait of Ronald Reagan, original painting – Dennis Crozier
  • Connie Lee Original Sweater – Guy and Linda Hooper
  • God and Your Brain and You Book – Nina Groth
  • Wooden Flag Cutting Board – Made and donated by Rich Moxon
  • Succulent Garden in Designer Bowl – Jerrie Bartley
  • Handmade Necklace – Minnie Wolf
  • Weber Kettle – McKinleyville Ace
  • Old Growth Assorted Wines – Old Growth Cellars
  • Handmade Fleece Blanket and Doggy Basket – Don and Kay Becker
  • Patriotic Tote – Susan Moxon
  • Vintage American Flag – Jerrie Bartley
  • Hand Stitched Quilt, Old Glory – Jane Chapelle
  • Hand Made Patriotic Quilt – Jane Chapelle
  • North Coast Hitching Post Cottage, one night stay – Heidi Rubalcava
  • A Fine Bottle of Whiskey – Heidi Rubalcava

Nina Groth was the lucky winner of the Opportunity Drawing, taking home a beautiful Adirondack Glider donated by Rich Moxon.

A Community United

Before and after dinner, the attendees had an opportunity to network and connect with each other; the venue was abuzz with conversation and camaraderie. Attendees engaged in both serious discussions and lighthearted banter, embodying the Republican spirit of community and unity.

A Roaring Success

The event wouldn’t have been possible without the tireless efforts of the Humboldt County Republican Central Committee and the Humboldt Republican Women. Their dedication made the 2023 Lincoln Reagan Dinner a roaring success, setting a high bar for future events.As the night came to a close, one thing was clear: this was not just an event but a rallying cry for community involvement and a celebration of shared values. Here’s to many more Lincoln Reagan Dinners to come!

Over the past few weeks, you’ve likely heard of the film Sound of Freedom. It’s been highly successful, grossing some 155 million dollars against a budget of 14 million. It’s also been critiqued by some critics as a “right-wing” or “Christian,” when in reality, it is neither.

If you aren’t familiar with the film’s background, it is inspired by the work of Tim Ballard, an anti-human trafficking advocate who, along with his organization Operation Underground Railroad, is credited with rescuing thousands of victims of child trafficking. The film itself is a story of a long journey by Tim Ballard to reunite a father with his two children, a brother and sister, who are unwittingly abducted by a “talent scout”, and sold to pedophiles.

Owing to its subject matter, the film does not spare the viewer from the sheer evil of pedophilia, the agony and fear the victims of human trafficking face, and the immense pain their families face as they try to find justice. Ultimately, the film is about how, while human beings are indeed capable of great evil, they are equally capable in great acts of courage, heroism, and compassion.

Sound of Freedom is not a film that can be reviewed in a normal sense. While at the surface, the film can be exciting, as Tim travels through dense jungles and exotic city streets, pursuing criminals seeking justice, the film is not meant to entertain. Yet, the film has been labeled falsely as a “Christian” or “right-wing” film.

The only indication of any sort of religious sentiment in the film is the phrase “God’s children are not for sale,” which has since become a rallying call of sorts among the audience. The film has no politics, left or right. Its sole advocacy is for child victims of human trafficking, asking of its audience to awaken a sense of moral duty in themselves, to understand and be compassionate towards the suffering of others. The fact that, somehow this has become a political issue is a sad testament to the current polarization in our country.  

By Ryan Christie, Humboldt County Republican Party Communications Chairman

The American Way, what is it? A good understanding lays in Mt. Rushmore, South Dakota, the famous monument to past presidents, specifically George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, and Theodore Roosevelt. When you see Mt. Rushmore, what do you see? Unfortunately, far too many people simply see four historical figures, long dead, completely irrelevant to their day-to-day life. Worse still, too many people see them as malevolent bigots, figures to be condemned and erased. But in the lives of these great men, we see examples to live by and the spirit that makes this country great.

George Washington was not only our first President, but a lifelong soldier who commanded the forces in the American Revolution. This is a testament of the importance of military service in our country, as just as it was back then as now, the freedom of this country relies on the service of the armed forces. In his farewell address as President, Washington spoke of the importance of national unity and warned of the political dangers of regionalism, partisanship, and foreign influence- exactly the problems plaguing modern America. This is a reminder that there is truth and relevance in old wisdom.

Thomas Jefferson, author of the Declaration of Independence, was a brilliant man. A polymath, his interests outside politics and philosophy ranged from architecture, food, biology and linguists. His expedition to the Pacific, a daunting journey through thousands of miles of wilderness, a journey that brought immense knowledge about the topography, environment and Native Americans that lived there. A nation is made strong by ambition, daring and intellectual curiosity.

Abraham Lincoln entered the White House in 1860- one of the most trying and tumultuous times in our country’s history. A decade’s long dispute over slavery cumulated into civil war, but the Union remained intact, and the 13th Amendment was passed, ending slavery once and for all. Lincoln was a master orator and a gifted writer, a reminder that one needs a strong voice to combat moral wrongs in society.

Theodore Roosevelt was considered the President that brought America into the 20th century, a man with a strong vision for the future. Roosevelt strengthened the United States Navy into what would be the most powerful naval force in the world and orchestrated the construction of the Panama Canal. He modernized many laws relating to child labor, environmental conservation, and monopolistic practices by certain businesses. This belief in investing in the future, of an America confident and optimistic would make The United States the superpower it was through the twentieth century and through the present.

The American Way is not just some slogan; it is a mindset and a philosophy. It requires a respect for the past and of the wisdom of those that came before but also a consideration for the future; the refusal or inability to do either is a road to ruin.

One of the most troubling aspects of 2020’s America is the significant uptick in violent crime in America’s major cities. Nowhere is this more evident than in New York City, where the subway in particular is becoming an increasingly dangerous place to be. In fact, ridership has declined an estimated 40% from 2019 to 2022.

All this came to a head on the afternoon on May 1st, where a 30 year old homeless man, Jordan Neely boarded a subway train, and began screaming at the other passengers. According to them, Neely also threw trash at them. As he did so, Daniel Penny, a 24 year old former Marine, came up behind and put him in a chokehold, which he shortly died from.

Jordan Neely, by all accounts, was a very troubled man. He had schizophrenia, and had been homeless for much of his short life. He had been arrested at least 42 times, and at the time of his death was wanted on a warrant stemming from charges of felony assault of a 67 year old woman.

Our cities have grown more dangerous because left-wing prosecutors have decided to no longer prosecute certain crimes, and actively undermined the ability of the police to do their jobs. The homeless and the mentally ill are left to wander the streets, posing a hazard to themselves and others. That is inhumane. When politicians actively ignore the suffering and lack of safety in their communities, they no longer deserve your tax dollars or votes. Hold them accountable. Learn about what you can do to assist law enforcement and make your community a safer place.                 

Humboldt Republicans have been working to upgrade our office in Eureka. We are gearing up for the 2024 election and all of the activities leading up to November. The interior has a fresh coat of paint. We have ordered new patriotic merchandise, including hats, flags and shirts. To spruce up the outside of the office, we have ordered a bright, new sign. Please stop by to shop and chat with our office staff 

Tuesday-Friday from 10 am until 1:00 pm.

311 5th Street


Across from Starbucks

Look for out booth at the Redwood Acres Fair

June 21- 25

Upcoming Meetings:

Humboldt Republican Women’s Meeting

*Thursday May 18- 

*Doors open at 10:30 and meeting begins at 11:15

*Eureka Veteran’s Memorial Building

1020 H Street, Eureka

*Attendance only is $5 / Sandwich and salad lunch option is $20- both include coffee & water

*Our speaker will be Pete Johnston- Timber Heritage Association

*Meeting open to all registered Republicans

**************RSVP  [email protected]*************

Republican Central Committee Meeting

*Tuesday, June 6 at 6pm

*311 5th Street, Eureka

*Our speaker will be Juan Cervantes-Humboldt County Registrar of Voters

*Business meeting to follow.

*Meeting open to all registered Republicans. 

*RSVP  707-442-2259 or [email protected]*

Republicans must stick together and stand up for what we believe in. Please join us.


Susan Moxon

Volunteer and Chairwoman Humboldt Republicans

By: Ryan Christie

It is hardly debatable that June 16th, 2015, was a significant day in the history of American politics. On that day, Donald Trump came down an escalator at Trump Tower to announce his bid for the 2016 Presidential Election, which he went on to win against Hillary Clinton in a historic upset. The Democratic Party and its allies in the media simply could not handle this, and as a result they spent his entire term actively undermining him, with 24-hour mudslinging and two attempts at impeachment that went nowhere. 

Now we fast forward to spring 2023, Trump has been out of office for the past two years, and America is not in a good place. Crimes rates are rising; inflation, high fuel prices, and a looming recession are eroding the economy, and a sense of deep pessimism and fatigue abounds amongst the American people. Donald Trump announced his reelection bid for the 2024 Presidential Election on November 15th, 2022.

Five months later, the former president was indicted by Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg on charges related to alleged campaign finance irregularities years later. Make no mistake, this is an attempt to unduly influence the election and is unprecedented in politics. The weaponization of the legal system for sheer partisan machinations is extremely damaging to the country, not just for the legal system but for our social fabric. 

It is in this often confusing and tumultuous period in our country’s history that we seem to lose track of what we are, what we believe, and what we value. Hence, here is the succinct statement of what I believe the Humboldt County Republican Party should stand for.

The Republican Party stands for the principles that the Founding Fathers made into form, handed down and entrusted to future generations for the preservation of the Union. It is these timeless principles that guide us; not radical egalitarianism, not a solipsistic interpretation of the Bill of Rights where it can be altered to suit the whims and tastes of those in power, and most certainly not a post truth viewpoint based in conspiracy theories and disregard for concrete truths. 

Let it be known:

  1. Equal Justice Under the Law. The right to a fair trial as stated in the Bill of Rights is something exceptional that should be cherished and protected, as it is something that is denied to large amounts of people elsewhere in the world.
  2. Free Speech. Like the above, the freedom of speech as outlined in the Bill of Rights is something often denied to people elsewhere in the world. Freedom of Speech, in accordance with the 1st Amendment, as well as state and federal law is something that cannot, will not and should not be denied to the people,
  3. Economic Growth and Opportunity. America is a place that rewards hard work and ingenuity. Since its beginning, native born and immigrants from all over the world alike have set out in this country to have their dreams made into reality, providing goods and services that benefit us all. The American way of the free market and its culture of ingenuity and higher education have made the world a better place.
  4. Lower Taxes. A primary cause of the American Revolution was unfair taxation of the colonies from Great Britain. High taxes place an undue burden on the American people and slow down the economy. 
  5. The Family. The nuclear family is the most important institution in society. Our support for healthy family units and respect of parental authority must never waver, for it is essential for the future of the country. 
  6. The Environment. The Earth is our only home, and it is clearly in our best interest to be responsible stewards of the environment. We believe in reasonable actions to protect the environment, such as civic responsibility and encouragement of scientific innovations without resorting to radical policies that are unfeasible and unduly lower the standard of living for the average American.
  7. The United States is a force for good in the World. The United States has played a major role in combating tyranny and assisting other nations in need throughout its history. Its military is an important bulwark in the world against tyrannical foreign governments that seek to threaten the peace and sovereignty of other nations as well as America itself.
  8. Citizenship Has Meaning. America is a country that was proudly built from the collective efforts of immigrants from all over the world. Being a citizen of the United States means adhering to a set of uniform values and the rule of law. An overly permissive border policy is an abandonment of those principles.
  9. The Right to Bear Arms. The 2nd Amendment right to bear arms shall truly not be infringed, as it protects the American people from the criminal elements of society as well as tyranny from its own government. Excessive and unfeasible gun control laws only serves to infringe on this right, endanger law abiding citizens, and is built on the absurd premise that violent criminals intend on following laws in the first place. Simply put, the responsible and safe use of firearms is something to be encouraged, not condemned.

Written by a member of the Humboldt County Republican Central Committee.

The future of California looks grim if nothing changes. Just take a walk down city streets or visit any businesses if you don’t believe me – our communities are descending into lawlessness. Last year, California’s homicide rate jumped 9.1% from the year before, marking the state’s deadliest year since 2007. 

It wasn’t just homicides. According to vulnerable Democrat Attorney General Rob Bonta’s annual Crime in California report, violent crime, property crime, rape and motor vehicle theft rates were all up in 2021. So, what decreased? The total number of arrests fell by more than 7%. 

It’s no wonder residents are leaving our state. In the span of a few days this summer, a NASCAR driver was stabbed to death by a homeless man, a Buena Park amusement park closed early due to repeated violence, and Starbucks closed several stores, deeming them “unsafe to continue to operate.” Californians must remain vigilant to simply get through the day.

Sadly, California has become the national poster child for crime and chaos. But Democrat-run cities across the country are reeling from soft-on-crime policies, too. Last year, 12 Democrat-run cities saw record homicides rates. This year, six cities – including Los Angeles – are on pace to exceed the massive levels of violent crime they saw last year. Catalytic converter thefts were up 33 percent nationwide. 

What, then, is the common thread – between California and nationwide crime? Soft-on-crime policies pushed by radical Democrats like defunding the police, downgrading sentences, weakened bail policies, and outright forgoing prosecutions are responsible. And don’t take it from me. Take it from our law enforcement. Los Angeles County Deputy District Attorney John McKinney blamed “bad law and bad policy.” Beverly Hills Police Chief Mark Stainbrook blamed Los Angeles’ woke bail reform laws…  

Click here to read more.



Statewide Offices

Board of Equalization

Ted Gaines | Board of Equalization (District 1)

Proposition 1 – Provides a state constitutional right to reproductive freedom, including the right to an abortion (Legislative Constitutional Amendment) – VOTE NO

Proposition 26 – Legalizes sports betting at American Indian gaming casinos and licensed racetracks in California (Initiative Constitutional Amendment and Statute) – VOTE NO

Proposition 27 – Legalizes mobile sports betting and dedicates revenue to the California Solutions to Homelessness and Mental Health Support Account and the Tribal Economic Development Account (Initiative Constitutional Amendment and Statute) – VOTE NO

Proposition 28 – Mandates funding for K-12 art and music education(Initiative Statute) – VOTE NO

Proposition 29 – Enacts staffing requirements, reporting requirements, ownership disclosure, and closing requirements for chronic dialysis clinics (Initiative Statute) – VOTE NO

Proposition 30 – Increases the tax on personal income above $2 million by 1.75% and dedicates revenue to zero-emission vehicle projects and wildfire prevention programs (Initiative Statute) – VOTE NO

Proposition 31 – Upholds the ban on flavored tobacco sales (Referendum) – VOTE NO