It is in this often confusing and tumultuous period in our country’s history that we seem to lose track of what we are, what we believe, and what we value. Hence, here is the succinct statement of what I believe the Humboldt County Republican Party should stand for.

The Republican Party stands for the principles that the Founding Fathers made into form, handed down and entrusted to future generations for the preservation of the Union. It is these timeless principles that guide us; not radical egalitarianism, not a solipsistic interpretation of the Bill of Rights where it can be altered to suit the whims and tastes of those in power, and most certainly not a post truth viewpoint based in conspiracy theories and disregard for concrete truths. 

Let it be known:

  1. Equal Justice Under the Law. The right to a fair trial as stated in the Bill of Rights is something exceptional that should be cherished and protected, as it is something that is denied to large amounts of people elsewhere in the world.
  2. Free Speech. Like the above, the freedom of speech as outlined in the Bill of Rights is something often denied to people elsewhere in the world. Freedom of Speech, in accordance with the 1st Amendment, as well as state and federal law is something that cannot, will not and should not be denied to the people,
  3. Economic Growth and Opportunity. America is a place that rewards hard work and ingenuity. Since its beginning, native born and immigrants from all over the world alike have set out in this country to have their dreams made into reality, providing goods and services that benefit us all. The American way of the free market and its culture of ingenuity and higher education have made the world a better place.
  4. Lower Taxes. A primary cause of the American Revolution was unfair taxation of the colonies from Great Britain. High taxes place an undue burden on the American people and slow down the economy. 
  5. The Family. The nuclear family is the most important institution in society. Our support for healthy family units and respect of parental authority must never waver, for it is essential for the future of the country. 
  6. The Environment. The Earth is our only home, and it is clearly in our best interest to be responsible stewards of the environment. We believe in reasonable actions to protect the environment, such as civic responsibility and encouragement of scientific innovations without resorting to radical policies that are unfeasible and unduly lower the standard of living for the average American.
  7. The United States is a force for good in the World. The United States has played a major role in combating tyranny and assisting other nations in need throughout its history. Its military is an important bulwark in the world against tyrannical foreign governments that seek to threaten the peace and sovereignty of other nations as well as America itself.
  8. Citizenship Has Meaning. America is a country that was proudly built from the collective efforts of immigrants from all over the world. Being a citizen of the United States means adhering to a set of uniform values and the rule of law. An overly permissive border policy is an abandonment of those principles.
  9. The Right to Bear Arms. The 2nd Amendment right to bear arms shall truly not be infringed, as it protects the American people from the criminal elements of society as well as tyranny from its own government. Excessive and unfeasible gun control laws only serves to infringe on this right, endanger law abiding citizens, and is built on the absurd premise that violent criminals intend on following laws in the first place. Simply put, the responsible and safe use of firearms is something to be encouraged, not condemned.

Written by a member of the Humboldt County Republican Central Committee.