Liberty Requires Medical Freedom
We believe in the freedom for Americans to live according to individual values, beliefs, and convictions. We believe in freedoms of religion, expression, assembly, petition, grievance, medical decision, and school choice. Where there is risk, there must be choice. We support military, law enforcement, and first responders that sacrifice their life and liberties to protect and safeguard ours.
Where there is risk, there must be choice.
People have a fundamental right what they choose to put into their bodies. Medical decisions are private and personal decisions that should not be coerced by government, institutions, employers, or people. Where there is risk, there must be choice.
What is the Nuremberg Code?
During World War II in Nazi Germany during the 1940s, the Third Reich conducted horrific medical practices and experiments on prisoners enslaved in concentration camps against their will. After the end of the war, a series of criminal trials were held in Nuremberg, Germany to hold accountable the government leaders that took part in this inhumane treatment. From these judicial proceedings came the Nuremberg code outlining 10 points required for legal medical experiments:
- Voluntary consent.
- Good of society.
- Animal trials must be conducted first.
- Avoid unnecessary physical and mental suffering and injury.
- Experiments will not be conducted when known disabling injury exists.
- Risk shall not exceed the risk of the problem to be solved.
- Adequate facilities and accommodations will be provided to subjects.
- Experiments will be conducted by qualified persons with highest degree of skill and care.
- Subject can discontinue experiment at any time.
- Scientist must be prepared to terminate experiment at any stage if injury, disability, or death occur.
In short, where there is risk, there must be choice.
United States Establishes Ethical Medical Research Principles
The Nuremberg trials became a critical part of the verdict in the United States v. Karl Brandt (1946), where the court determined ethical medical research principles for medical experiments. Brandt was found to have committed crimes against humanity and was euthanized.
Government Overreach
California Legislators are Overreaching their Authority
During its 2021-2022 Session, California Legislators have introduced Senate Bills (SB) and Assembly Bills (AB) have far overreach their authority by seeking to abridge and violate the constitutional rights of Californians unless they submit to COVID medical experiments. Ten of the most egregious of these bills include:
Requires children 0-17 years old receive COVID-19 vaccine to attend daycare, public schools or private schools, without exception.
Reduces age of consent for COVID-19 vaccine to 12 years old.
Authorizes medical board to inspect doctor records without patient consent.
Mandates law enforcement to enforce public health orders, without exception.
Requires schools to perform ongoing COVID-19 testing and create long-term testing plans.
Censors social media platforms from sharing medical information that dissents from California government-approved speech.
Changes California Medical Privacy Act to authorize sharing medical information of minor children with schools and school service programs.
Changes California Immunization Record Database to provide government agencies with private medical records and vaccine records of Californians.
Mandates COVID-19 vaccination for employment in California.
Prohibits doctors from sharing medical information that dissents from government approved speech.