Humboldt Republicans have been working to upgrade our office in Eureka. We are gearing up for the 2024 election and all of the activities leading up to November. The interior has a fresh coat of paint. We have ordered new patriotic merchandise, including hats, flags and shirts. To spruce up the outside of the office, we have ordered a bright, new sign. Please stop by to shop and chat with our office staff
Tuesday-Friday from 10 am until 1:00 pm.
311 5th Street
Across from Starbucks

Look for out booth at the Redwood Acres Fair
June 21- 25
Upcoming Meetings:
Humboldt Republican Women’s Meeting
*Thursday May 18-
*Doors open at 10:30 and meeting begins at 11:15
*Eureka Veteran’s Memorial Building
1020 H Street, Eureka
*Attendance only is $5 / Sandwich and salad lunch option is $20- both include coffee & water
*Our speaker will be Pete Johnston- Timber Heritage Association
*Meeting open to all registered Republicans
**************RSVP [email protected]*************
Republican Central Committee Meeting
*Tuesday, June 6 at 6pm
*311 5th Street, Eureka
*Our speaker will be Juan Cervantes-Humboldt County Registrar of Voters
*Business meeting to follow.
*Meeting open to all registered Republicans.
*RSVP 707-442-2259 or [email protected]*
Republicans must stick together and stand up for what we believe in. Please join us.
Susan Moxon
Volunteer and Chairwoman Humboldt Republicans